Monday, March 9, 2009

If I Had $80,000 and Didn't Go to College

If I couldn’t get a college education, I would definitely spend my money and time wisely. As I have stated in an earlier entry, I am absolutely addicted to traveling. I think I would go on a year long trip to discover all places of the world that I have never been to. In every place I would want to go to a historical or educational site and would want to help with some type of service organization. I think I would try to visit every continent and with the $80,000 that I would have that was supposed to go to my education, I could definitely achieve that.
First off, I would love to go to Africa. Pretty much anywhere in the continent but Kenya particularly interests me. I think the minute I got there I would want to go on a safari. I have been an animal lover since birth so I would love to see and explore the serenghetti. I would take one of those really intense cameras with me and snap some great shots of the animals and maybe even try and sell them to National Geographic. After my big safari adventure, I would volunteer in a hospital full of AIDS victims. I would help nurses administer drugs or play with the children who are waiting for their parents while they are being treated. I would also want to volunteer at a school or an orphanage. I love children and doing all this volunteer work would be so rewarding. Visiting Africa is definitely something I couldn’t do at ISU.
Next on my adventure, I would want to visit the incredible historic site of Machu Picchu in Peru. This site is the very beginnings of Civilization and it would be so informative to see the many secrets that it has to hide. I love nature so I would definitely go hiking and camping around the area. I learned Spanish in high school so it would definitely come in hand when I’m navigating around the small, local villages. No history class could educate me as much as just visiting the wonderful Machu Picchu.
I would continue to discover countries all over the world and take part in service projects and just enjoy the surroundings. After all the rewarding but hard work, I would want to treat myself. I would probably go to some beautiful beach resort in Fiji and just relax and do a little exploring on the side. I have never stayed at a big luxury hotel like the Four Seasons so I would probably stay there and just have the most relaxing, beautiful vacation of my life.

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