Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break 2009

I’m am very sad that spring break is over to say the least. I had a fantastic week. I spent the first half of the week in Los Angeles. My friend goes to school at USC, so I went to visit him there. He picked me up from the airport and we went straight to the beach. We went to Santa Monica, which has a great downtown for shopping and an awesome pier with a mini amusement park. Matt and I started by walking up the pier looking at the various street vendors and then ventured over to the little roller coaster that is on the pier. We ended up riding the “Pacific Coaster” twice in a row. It was kind of little kid-ish but it was so much fun! We then moved onto the beach and relaxed in the sand.
The following day we went to the surfing capital of the country, Huntington Beach. We spent the afternoon surfing, or attempting to surf. I think I got up once. The highlight of the day was seeing dolphins when we were on the Huntington Beach pier. After surfing, we eased our hungry stomachs with amazing diner food. We spent the rest of the day driving around West Hollywood and Beverley Hills, looking at all the incredibly huge houses. My last day in California was spent chilling around USC. I attended a journalism class with Matt and getting delicious fish tacos for lunch. I then had to leave warm, sunny California to spend the rest of the week back home in Illinois.

1 comment:

  1. I am so jealous that you spent your break in california! Two of my really good friends just recently moved out there and i cannot wait to go visit them!
