Thursday, February 26, 2009

A Little Advice...

I honestly can’t believe that my first year of college is almost over, I mean there are only two and a half months left of school and that is including spring break. So I guess since I have almost completed my first year of college, it is my turn to be writing ISU survival rules. Though ISU has been pretty manageable so far there are some words of wisdom that I would direct toward future freshman.

First I would tell them that going to class is the most important thing, I mean it’s the whole reason you are here, right? In a world of endless parties and drunken nights, it is hard to stay on track. Going to class is so important because it is there that you take notes and learn the material that you will be tested on. If you miss class, you will have no idea what is going on when you eventually return. I know the glamorous lifestyle of partying every single night of the week is attractive but in the long run going to class will effect if you get that dream career you want.

I’m sure you have all heard of the freshman fifteen and believe me, it is not a myth. It’s so hard to pass up that greasy piece of pizza for something healthier like a salad. But college is where you start building your lifestyles that will be with you for the remainder of your life and it’s important to start being healthy at this age. It’s perfectly fine to indulge yourself once in a while or even once a day just make sure that you work off all those pesky calories. Luckily there are plenty of ways to keep fit at ISU. There are workout centers in almost every residence hall, there is a swimming pool, a track, a gym and plenty of sidewalk to run on. So don’t be a victim of the freshman fifteen.

Lastly, I would advise just to go out there and not be afraid to meet people. I came to ISU not knowing anyone and by being outgoing and friendly I met tons of people and have made great friends. So don’t be afraid to invite someone to lunch or to watch a movie in your room, it will be worth it.

1 comment:

  1. Those three things are very important during your first year of college. I completely agree with everything you have said.
