Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Elie Wiesel's Visit to ISU

I have attended quite a few on-campus activities this semester but my favorite by far was when Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel came to speak. I read his heart-wrenching book, Night which described his experiences in a concentration camp. To be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect. Would he share his brutal experiences or would he talk about other things? What he did talk about totally inspired me.
When I first saw Elie Wiesel, all I saw was a small elderly man but from the minute he started talking, he transformed from a little old man to a remarkable story teller. Wiesel told stories of people he had met throughout his life and how they had touched him. All of his words were enforced with extreme optimism. He only mentioned his time in the concentration camp briefly but if he hadn't, one would never have known about his experiences. He expressed how one should not dwell on things from the past but focus on things in the present and the future. After Wiesel said this, it truly inspired me. This man has been through so much in his lifetime, more than I could even dream of. I should not dwell on something like a bad grade on a test or a missed out opportunity. I just need to forget and move on. Elie Wiesel truly opened my eyes about how I should live my life.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to go to that so bad. We read Night in my high school and I loved that book! It was sad, but it was really interesting. I wish I would've gone to this.
