Friday, April 17, 2009

English 101

English has always been a pretty easy class for me. In high school I never had below a B. We did a good mix of analytical papers and creative works. I loved that I got to write stories and poems in high school, so coming into a college English course was quite a change. I feel like I have learned a lot throughout English 101. Many of these skills will go with me to other classes and to after school when I become a teacher.
The first two papers I found to be pretty easy to write. I enjoyed the first paper because I got to write about past experiences and I got to add a little creative touch to it. Although I didn't get the grade I thought I deserved, it was still fun to write.
The second paper was also fun because we got to pick an ad to analyze. Of course I chose a Target ad because it is my favorite store and the ads are always fun and upbeat. Although it was more analytical than the last paper, it was fun to write. I loved describing the different scenes with all the colors and music. It just made me so happy to write about something so joyful.
The third paper was definitely a lot harder than the first two. We had to choose a speech and analyze it. I wanted to choose a different speech, everyone was focusing on Obama, so I chose a speech by Nelson Mandela. The speech was truly inspirational and I learned a lot from writing it. Sadly, I didn't get a good grade after trying really hard. I don't really know what happened. But at least I got to study a great speech.

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