Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Entry! Woo!

Well to start off with, I have never had a blog before and I’m still not 100 percent sure I even know how to use it, so bear with me. I have loved to write since I was a little girl. I used to write stories about animals and princesses where good conquered all, now my writing is completely different. I tend to lean toward darker subject material. Even if I’m writing about my life, I write about that more depressing events that have happened to me. I guess I’m giving you a bad impression of me, aren’t I? Well I am in no means “emo”, I’m a very happy person, I just produce better writing when it has some sort of dark emotion.

So in this blog I’m going to add some writing from my English class and I guess any other writing that I do during the course of the week (which probably won’t be too much). I may even post some of my older stuff from high school, just for kicks. I’m hoping people will actually read this, but it’s the sad truth that probably only my professor and a few kids from my English class will be reading it. Oh well, I will make the most of it. So thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. I love writing as well. Its so much easier to write about depressing things than happy things. I'm not sure why it just comes out better.
