Thursday, January 29, 2009

My Travel Addiction

So I am basically addicted to traveling. When I am not actually traveling somewhere, I am looking for deals or places to go on my family’s next vacation. I guess it is just my nature to explore, but I really can’t get enough of it.

I’m guessing this addiction because my parent’s are from England and ever since I was born, I have been traveling across the Atlantic to the UK to visit family. From a young age, I was eager to explore, whether it be the park or some totally different country. In England, my family used to go on hikes in forest preserves and I used to pretend that they were enchanted. Now my love of exploring has blossomed and I look for exciting new places to explore.

My travels have taken me to:
Costa Rica
Czech Republic
The Bahamas
Dominican Republic
And many of the States

I was also in a touring choir for 8 years and we literally traveled all over the world. With them, I traveled to Hawaii, China, Austria and the Czech Republic. My favorite had to be China. It was literally culture shock with all the new sights, smells and sounds. Seeing and climbing the Great Wall was the highlight of the trip. When I first saw the brooding stone walls, it almost brought tears to my eyes. I had always dreamed of going there as a child. I could picture a 10 year old me running up and down the great stone steps, screaming to my parents, “Look at me! Look at this”. It was literally a travel dream come true.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Inauguration

“OBAMA OBAMA OBAMA!” were the first words I heard as I opened my eyes, that morning on January 20th. My sleepy eyes slowly adjusted to focus in on the glowing television where I saw thousands upon thousands of people cheering for the soon to be president. It seemed as if I had woke up right before Obama first appeared on screen because as soon I got down from my bunk, I saw the man who is now our president. Obama was ecstatic, there was gleam in his dark brown eyes that promoted his extreme excitement for the day that would change his life forever. As Obama smiled, the camera panned on the crowd, each and every member mimicked his giddy smile. I glanced over at my roommate and she was smiling too. It was as if Obama was in the very room with us, spreading his patriotic pride. At this moment, I was proud to be an American.
As the entire first family climbed onto the stage, my stomach dropped. I suddenly realized that I had a class in 30 minutes and that I would miss Obama’s entire speech. It pained me to think that I would miss this historic moment to be in some Insignificant class. I entered the elevator and many people were expressing the same grief as I was. “I can’t believe we have class on inauguration day. It should be considered a holiday”. I internally agreed and proceded outside.
The day was clear and bright which directly reflected the mood of the day. As I ambled across the quad, trekking through the thick sludge that covered my boots, I had a mini epiphany. Just because I couldn’t officially watch Obama get inaugurated, it didn’t mean that I had missed it. For one, I had seen the man himself on live TV. I had also experienced my classmates reactions and heard their thoughts. And finally, I had reflected to myself about this day and how important it is. Just because I didn’t see the inauguration doesn’t mean I missed the entire day and first and for most, it doesn’t make me Un-American.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

First Entry! Woo!

Well to start off with, I have never had a blog before and I’m still not 100 percent sure I even know how to use it, so bear with me. I have loved to write since I was a little girl. I used to write stories about animals and princesses where good conquered all, now my writing is completely different. I tend to lean toward darker subject material. Even if I’m writing about my life, I write about that more depressing events that have happened to me. I guess I’m giving you a bad impression of me, aren’t I? Well I am in no means “emo”, I’m a very happy person, I just produce better writing when it has some sort of dark emotion.

So in this blog I’m going to add some writing from my English class and I guess any other writing that I do during the course of the week (which probably won’t be too much). I may even post some of my older stuff from high school, just for kicks. I’m hoping people will actually read this, but it’s the sad truth that probably only my professor and a few kids from my English class will be reading it. Oh well, I will make the most of it. So thanks for stopping by my blog, hope you enjoy!